Missions Gospel Outreach Worldview

"Biblical Wisdom, True Love"

AAE promotes the Christ-centered gospel and biblical worldview for human flourishing.

“Evangelicals” Have Been “Rented” by Democrat Billionaires to Swing Election

An Urgent Letter to Pastors & Christians

For political power, Democrat billionaires are cynically funding evangelical “influencers” likely to confuse, divide and pacify the Christian vote, resulting in Democrat victories. Non-profits have donors, but Christian non-profits should not have anti-Christian donors with a political agenda. (Details are in Resources below the Letter, and evolving at AmericanEvangelicals.org/gospel-guard).

George Soros, Pierre Omidyar, Ford, Rockefeller, Hewlett and other far-Left foundations know that biblical Christians naturally vote Republican to protect unborn and born children, parental rights, religious liberty, education, the rule of Constitutional law, a sound economy to care for the vulnerable, the true history and heritage of our nation and Judeo-Christian culture — for human flourishing at home and around the world. This is likely why Democrats fund dividers, for power. 

It sadly becomes a civic, moral and Christian duty to warn the nation of such manipulation, in what could be the last possible free American election, determining the future of our nation. 

Shepherds For Sale: How Evangelical Leaders Traded the Truth for a Leftist Agenda

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American Association of Evangelicals (AAE)

AAE promotes the Christ-centered gospel and biblical worldview for human flourishing.

We research and share news and information, stand with persecuted Christians, speak up for freedoms, give Courageous Love Awards and encourage a Gideon’s Army of biblical faith.

We amplify faithful and courageous leaders like Franklin Graham, Sean Feucht, Megan Basham, Eric Metaxas, Alveda King, Jim Garlow, George Barna and many more. Join us!


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Big problems, God’s answers.

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Wise Welcome.


Featured Stories

The Bible and Immigration

Dr. James Hoffmeier

What is the whole counsel of Scripture on immigration, and how does this “Wise Welcome” yield the most loving outcomes?

Download a copy of Wise Welcome here.

What is a biblical view of sexuality and marriage?

Our response to Pastor Rob Bell & others regarding the relevance of the Church & The Bible.

Slavery, Forgiveness, Redemption & Leadership

Pastor Carlton Smith

Brilliant and cheerful Pastor Carlton Smith shows us the way out of the “pit” of slavery and injustice.

From Orphan to Film Producer

Joe Knopp

Joe Knopp is the humble filmmaker who grew up an orphan in Philadelphia.

A Faith Journey with frmr. U.S. Attorney General, Edwin Meese

Erdwin Meese

Former U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese, discusses his time in office, his relationship with former president Ronald Reagan, and his faith in God.


Signature Books

Faith and Culture: A Guide to a Culture Shaped by Faith

For those who want to love God with their hearts and minds, editors Kelly Monroe Kullberg and Lael Arrington weave together both inspiration and illumination throughout this collection of daily readings. Faith and Culture: A Guide to a Culture Shaped by Faith translates the ideas of today’s Christian thought leaders, delivering them in accessible portions that fit into anyone’s busy schedule. Each chapter interacts with one of seven recurring themes: the Bible and theology, literature, history, contemporary culture, the arts, science and math, and philosophy. Along the way, Kullberg and Arrington explore significant ideas, people, and events from a distinctly Christian worldview. Some of the readings in this book include: Thee Secret Gospels (the Bible and theology), Slavery (history), A Response to God’s Beauty (art), Globalization (contemporary culture), and more Each day spent with this illuminating guide will inspire readers to wonder at the genius, power, and beauty of Jesus.

Shepherds For Sale

Liberal theology isn’t new. Pastors and theologians have drifted, slipped, or even plunged into doctrinal error for centuries. But in recent decades, Daily Wire reporter Megan Basham reveals, well-funded forces from outside the church have been sowing seeds of discord from behind the scenes. In Shepherds for Sale, Basham documents how progressive powerbrokers —from George Soros, to the founder of eBay, to former members of the Obama administration— set out to change the American church. Secular foundations and think tanks have deliberately targeted Christian media, universities, megachurches, nonprofits, and even entire denominations, not to mention many high-profile pastors and influencers, with infiltration and astroturf campaigns. Their goal: to co-opt the church for political purposes. In exchange for toeing a left-wing line, many of those church leaders and institutions have received cash, career jumps, prestige, and praise.

Letter to the American Church

Can it really be God’s will that His children be silent at a time like this? Decrying the cowardice that masquerades as godly meekness, Eric Metaxas summons the Church to battle. The author of a bestselling biography of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Metaxas reveals the haunting similarities between today’s American Church and the German Church of the 1930s. Echoing the German martyr’s prophetic call, he exhorts his fellow Christians to repent of their silence in the face of evil. An attenuated and unbiblical “faith” based on what Bonhoeffer called “cheap grace” has sapped the spiritual vitality of millions of Americans. Paying lip service to an insipid “evangelism,” they shrink from combating the evils of our time. Metaxas refutes the pernicious lie that fighting evil politicizes Christianity. As Bonhoeffer and other heroes of the faith insisted, the Church has an irreplaceable role in the culture of a nation. It is our duty to fight the powers of darkness, especially on behalf of the weak and vulnerable.


Conservative Christians admit that they do not speak out on political or cultural issues because they do not know how to support their beliefs from a biblical basis, according to a recent poll. Instead, they remain silent on critical issues like marriage, racism, and transgender issues because they feel uninformed and ill-equipped to defend their beliefs. New York Times bestselling author and pastor James L. Garlow offers the solution—a practical, biblical guide for the 21st century Christian. Well Versed: Biblical Answers to Today’s Tough Issues (ISBN: 978-1-62157-550-4; $14.99; June 2016) informs and prepares readers to tackle the important issues of the day and engage with those around them in a loving, Scripturally-based manner.

Finding God at Harvard: Spiritual Journeys of Thinking Christians

The Boston Globe bestseller! Ari Goldman's best-selling book, The Search for God at Harvard, chronicled his search for signs of genuine religious faith at Harvard Divinity School. He concluded that God was not very evident at the prestigious Ivy League campus. In Finding God at Harvard, Kelly Monroe Kullberg reveals a different picture of Christian faith in a secular intellectual setting. She presents the compelling testimonies of forty-two faculty members, former students, and distinguished orators at Harvard. Their candid reflections explode the myth that Christian faith cannot survive a rigorous intellectual atmosphere. Finding God at Harvard speaks to the emptiness that haunts college campuses across the country--an emptiness that only Truth can fill. As Monroe's contributors so vividly show, that Truth is available to everyone. With contributions from Robert Coles, Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn, Armand Nicholi, Nicholas Wolterstorff, Lamin Sanneh, Elizabeth Dole, Owen Gingerich and Mother Teresa.

Finding God Beyond Harvard: The Quest for Veritas

The quest for truth is an adventure into real life. In her book Finding God at Harvard, Kelly Monroe brought together the stories of thinking Christians whose search for truth led them to Veritas---in the person of Jesus Christ. Now she tells the story of her own journey into wonder and discovery, which took her beyond the ivied walls of Harvard to universities across the country. In the midst of the arid skepticism of the academy, she found a vibrant, interdisciplinary community unafraid of facing life's toughest questions, embracing the quest for true knowledge with intellectual rigor, delight and joy. As The Veritas Forum grappled with the insights of the academy's brightest Christian scholars, Kelly came to realize that truth or Veritas is no mere abstract concept but the very light by which we see all things. Engaging narrative and provocative content come together in this mind-stretching and heart-challenging journey. Come with Kelly on an intellectual road trip as The Veritas Forum explores the deepest questions of the university world, and the culture at large. And discover for yourself that Veritas transcends philosophy or religion and instead brings true life.

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