Gospel Guard

Many believers rightly wonder, why are Christian leaders strangely silent about escalating anarchy, propaganda, censorship, infanticide and other evils of the 21st century? And why are some “faith leaders” even assisting such efforts, stranger still. As the great Dietrich Bonhoeffer learned in Nazi Germany, and warned us in his words, “Silence in the face of evil is itself, evil.”

Gospel Guard is evolving and it will help us see strategies and tactics to use, confuse and divide the Church. We will identify efforts to redefine the Christ-centered gospel as something less than good news of Jesus Christ who lived, died for our sins, and rose again in victory. We will remind one another of the true and life-giving gospel and biblical worldview by which people and cultures flourish.

Introduction to Gospel Guard

In a time of fog, lies and spin, you want truth. The world God so loves yearns for truth. God is truth, and he reveals truth.

Speculation is both discrediting and confusing, and so we will seek factual information and, where possible, original source documentation approved by a team of accountants and lawyers.

Facts & Money –

One approach to truth is to “follow the money.” Not unlike electric current, money is “currency” which turns things off and on. Like fuel to an engine, every non-profit needs funding to achieve its mission. Today there is a growth industry of anti-Christian and anti-American activism. Few events in our news media are “grassroots” and organic. Many events involve organizers, actors, media and agendas for the Left’s “New America,” not the true America of our Founders and ancestors who sacrificed for our families, communities and nation. A nation that they loved, and we love.

Most donors to Christian non-profits are themselves Christians who share biblical values of the sanctity of life, personal responsibility, the Ten Commandments, confession and forgiveness, voluntary generosity, freedom of conscience, speech and religion in all spheres, and the Great Commission.

Dark Money – What is odd, and often dark, is when self-described atheists, Marxists and others who oppose the gospel, Church and nation are funding “Christian” and “faith” groups — to advance anti-faith projects. We should explore if there is a disingenuous purpose.

Dark Money billionaires have created a growth industry in abortion and now infanticide, far-Left political activism and anarchy, untruthful media and “fact-checkers,” lawfare, activist judges and as one executive admits on video “…our ‘Rent-an-Evangelical’ model of social change.” What is Dark Money? Funding from those who oppose Christianity and its sanctity of life, nuclear family, America and flourishing sovereign nations. Why would they fund people and organizations to accomplish such goals? Weakening the Church demoralizes America, giving the funders more global power. Global governance. It’s always about power.

The result? Incalculable human harm and loss of faith, hope and love. Broken families. 63 million children, aborted. Indoctrination in our schools. Rising crime and drug addiction. The “sex worker” industry. Human trafficking. A nation and dreams in lockdown. Hopelessness.

Visit often, as more information emerges. For now, we simply offer some articles to external news sources, below.

We ask the Lord to strengthen his followers for the spiritual and cultural war of our time. May we continue to shine a light of truth and love, even forgiving our enemies and pray for their salvation. May we break the spiral of silence, and advance God’s Kingdom, against many odds. Because of love.


Short videos, changed lives.

Big problems, God’s answers.

The Dark Money problem.

Wise Welcome.

What are “Courageous Love Awards”?
Believers know that biblical truth yields true love for people and cultures. Join us in honoring those who speak and live the truth in love.

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